It's 17 hours since the buck was shot. It's 10:45 AM. Odie hits the cold trail. He sniffs here and he sniffs there, just like he always does. Alecia, "says Odie", lets go this way. After 30 minutes of cold tracking Odie begins pulling his leash harder and harder. Odie then begins barking. Something is getting ready to happen. The bucks jumps. He crosses a field, then a highway, then a cotton field, then another highway and into a thicket. Stan, Alecia and Odie catch up with the deer. Angelo is back yonder somewhere. Odie jumps the buck again. The deer is worn out and eventually Stan puts the buck down. Look at Stan and Angelo. This is why it is important to make a good shot the first time. Odie is a tracking wonder dog. Ther is not a dog any better anywhere in the world. .
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